Harvey Oaks Homeowners Association (HOHA) General Membership Meeting
Thursday, February 10, 2022-7:30 p.m.
Sean O’Casey’s Pub-2523 South 140 Avenue-Omaha, NE
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Corey Podwinski, President.
Officers, Committee members, and Area Representatives present at the meeting were: John Brehmer-Guidelines/Nominating/Area 17, Ashley Doherty-Webmaster, Carol Feelhaver-Secretary/Social/Nominating/Welcome, Jim Grabenbaur-Parks, Lucas Hawkins-Vice President, Kevin Hughes-Ball Field/Advertising, Ashley Podwinski-Webpage Content, Marie & Gates Salistean-Parks/Membership, Traci Selby-Webpage/Area 24, and Denny Schaeppi-Advertising/Social.
Committee Reports:
Treasurer’s Report-Trent Bradshaw gave the following report.
- Trent reviewed the financial statements through January 31, 2022.
- Anyone interested in a copy of this report should contact Trent at trent_m_bradshaw@yahoo.com.
Membership Report–Randy Mohr submitted the following report.
- There are 372 resident homes that have paid 2022 dues. At this time last year, there were 391 resident homes that paid dues. This out of a total of 779 homes in the addition. This is approximately 50% of the resident homes in Harvey Oaks.
Nominating Report-Carol Feelhaver gave the following report.
- The tentative dates for the Annual Harvey Oaks Garage Sale are April 28, 29, & 30. Currently, no resident has agreed to be chairperson of this event. If a chairperson isn’t found, the event won’t take place in 2022.
- Volunteers are also needed to help plan the ‘End of Summer Bash’. The tentative date for this event is Saturday, August 13 in the North Park.
Parks Report–Jim Grabenbaur gave the following report.
- The tennis court still needs repair. Anyone with the name of a company that does these repairs is asked to contact Jim.
- The entrance island holiday lights will be taken down soon, weather permitting.
- The sidewalk between the homes leading into the North Park needs repair. Jim will contact the City of Omaha (City).
- There is graffiti on the bench in the North Park close to the tennis courts. This will be removed.
- Catalytic converters are being stolen off automobiles. Residents are advised to park their cars in garages or well lit areas.
- A trash bin will be stationed in the South Park. The Park is currently without one.
- Harvey Oaks is experiencing a coyote problem in the North Park by the Heartwood Preserve development. Residents are advised to be sure there is an adult accompanying small children playing on the equipment in the North Park.
Newsletter Report-Christina Muska wasn’t present to give a report.
- The newsletter deadline for the April/May issue is March 15.
- Only current (2022) dues paying residents will be receiving the newsletter.
Webpage Report-Ashley Doherty gave the following report.
- New items are continually being added to the webpage.
- Residents are using the webpage to sign up for membership.
Advertising Report–Denny Schaeppi gave the following report.
- Denny obtained one new ad for the newsletter and several renewals.
Guidelines Issues-John Brehmer stated there was no report.
Citizens Patrol Report–Joni Ternes wasn’t present to give a report.
- Volunteers are needed to be patrollers.
Social Committee Report-Carol Feelhaver gave the following report.
- A volunteer is needed to chair the Annual Neighborhood Garage Sale.
Ball field Committee-Kevin Hughes gave the following report.
- Registrations for spring baseball practice on the practice field have started. This is the link to the sign up page https://www.sign upgenius.com/go/5080E49AFA62BA20-hoha.
Fireworks Display Committee-The following report was given.
- With the housing development starting in the Heartland Preserve project, there could be difficulties using the North Park for the annual fireworks display. Consideration is being given to moving the fireworks site to the ball field off of 151 and Center. This change is subject to City, Omaha Fire Department, and Drew Thompson’s approval. More information will be coming regarding this issue.
Old Business:
- There were five homes that changed hands during January in Harvey Oaks.
- The Spring Golf Tournament is currently in the planning stages. A partnership between Dennis Einspahr of Golf Tour League is being considered. The tentative date for the event would be May or early June. More information on the event will be made available soon. Funds raised from this event will be used to renovate the entrance island at 144 and Harvey Oaks Avenue.
- A list of rental homes and the name of the owners is being developed. If anyone knows of a rental home in their area please contact Carol Feelhaver. (Feelhaver@centurylink.net)
New Business:
- Stacy Jolley, Randy Mohr, and Becky Tines have resigned from the Membership committee. The current committee job descriptions are in the process of being reviewed and a more concrete plan for the Membership committee will be presented at the March meeting.
- On March 1, an announcement will be made regarding the Heartland Preserve development. After this announcement HOHA will have a better idea what will be happening in this area.
- The Neighborhood Clean-Up Day will be scheduled for sometime in May. Derek Menke is the new chairman of this event
- A HOHA 2022 Football Tailgate Party will be planned for some time in September or early October. The football game would be streamed on a large screen television in the North Park. Food trucks will be available at this event.
- Anyone that would like to report neighborhood problems should call the Mayor’s Hotline, 444-5555.
- Stacy Jolley, Randy Mohr, and Becky Tines were thanked for their years of service on the Membership committee.
- Because of the current coyote problem in the North Park, parents are asked to accompany small children when using the play equipment in the North Park.
- Fire hydrants in the neighborhood many times need freshening up. If you would like regulation paint to improve the looks of these hydrants, contact Tom Helm thelm1860@gmail.com.
As there was no other business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 8:45 p.m. The next regular meeting is Thursday, March 10, 2022 at Sean O’Casey’s Pub, 2523 South 140 Avenue, in the back party room.
2022 Meeting Schedule-Second Thursday of each month-7:30 p.m.
April 14, May 12, June 9, July 14, August 11, September 8, October 13, November 10. There is no December meeting.
Respectively submitted,
Carol Feelhaver
HOHA Secretary