Harvey Oaks Homeowners Association (HOHA) General Membership Meeting
Thursday, July 14, 2022-7:30 p.m.
Sean O’Casey’s Pub-2523 South 140 Avenue-Omaha, NE
The meeting was called to order at 7:32 p.m. by Corey Podwinski, President.
Officers, Committee members, and Area Representatives present at the meeting were: John Brehmer-Guidelines, Trent Bradshaw-Treasurer, Ashley Doherty-Webmaster, Carol Feelhaver-Secretary/Social/Nominating/Welcome, Tom Helm-Parks, Kevin Hughes-Baseball Field Reservations/Advertising, Luke Hawkins-Vice-President, Ashley Podwinski-Webpage content, Gates & Marie Salistean-Parks, Denny Schaeppi-Advertising/Social, Traci Selby-Membership/Social, Donna Thompson-Area 27/Social, and Nicole Hebert-guest.
Committee Reports:
Treasurer’s Report-Trent Bradshaw gave the following report.
- Trent reviewed the financial statements through June 30, 2022.
- Anyone interested in a copy of this report should contact Trent at trent_m_bradshaw@yahoo.com.
Membership Report-No report was given.
Nominating Report–The following report was given.
- Christina Muska has asked to be replaced as newsletter editor. Warren Curry has agreed to fill this position.
- Christina was thanked for her five years of service as newsletter editor.
Parks Report–Tom Helm gave the following report.
- Members of HOHA have met with Bob Scott concerning the renovations to the 144 and Harvey Oaks Avenue Island. More information will be coming on this project.
- The City of Omaha (City) is working on replacing the downed tree at 152 and Shirley Street.
Newsletter Report-Warren Curry wasn’t present to give a report.
- The newsletter deadline for the August/September issue is July 15.
- The newsletter deadline for October/November is September 15.
- Warren will be editing the August/September issue of the newsletter.
Webpage Report–Ashley Doherty gave the following report.
- The webpage is featuring articles on the bash/picnic. This includes a sign-up genius for volunteering, a registration form for the Cornhole tournament, and information on ‘early bird’ registration for the event.
Advertising Report-Denny Schaeppi gave the following report.
- There has been some difficulty with the newsletter ads, and Denny has this under control with the advertisers.
- The newsletter will make its budget regarding the selling of ads.
Guidelines Issues-John Brehmer stated there is was no report.
Citizens Patrol Report–There was no one present to give a report.
- Volunteers are needed to be patrollers. Anyone interested can contact Joni Ternes.
- There will be a recruitment table for new volunteers at the bash/picnic.
Social Committee Report-The following report(s) were given.
- The End of Summer Bash/Picnic will be Saturday, August 13, 5:00-8:00 p.m. in the North Park.
- Food trucks will be at the event from 5:00-8:00 p.m.
- The food trucks that will be available.
- 402 BBQ
- Burning Bridges
- Corn Dogs
- Johnny Riccos Pizza
- Kona Ice
- Volunteers are needed for the event. If there are enough volunteers there will be bounce houses and other activities for the children of all ages.
- Activities for children are very important so adults will be able to stay and enjoy the event.
- Beverages will be free. This includes beer, water and pop.
- There will be a Silent Auction with items donated from local businesses. Youth Emergency Services (YES) is the designated HOHA charity and will receive 20% of the revenue from the Silent Auction.
- Denny Schaeppi has 12 vendors and approximately $3,000.00 in item value for the Silent Auction.
- A Cornhole Tournament will be held. There is a $10.00 team registration fee, and this amount is donated directly to YES.
- Anyone interested in participating in the Cornhole Tournament is asked to register on line. A team is made up of two individuals. A registration form will also be in the newsletter.
- Residents can bring desserts (optional) to the event if they would like. Each item must be individually wrapped.
- All current (2022) HOHA members are admitted at no charge to the event. Guests of current HOHA members (members must be present) will be charged $7.00 per person to attend. All non-joining residents of Harvey Oaks will be charged $14.00 per person to attend the event, and grandchildren of current HOHA members are admitted at no charge.
- The 2023 HOHA Membership Drive will be kicked off at the event.
- Individuals must provide ID if they would like alcoholic beverages.
- Shirley Street, from 151 to 152, will be closed from 5:00-9:00 p.m. because of the event.
- No alcoholic beverages can be brought into the park by individuals attending the event.
- A $5.00 food voucher/coupon will be given to all current HOHA members and their children at registration. This voucher/coupon can be used to purchase food from the food trucks.
Ball field Committee-Kevin Hughes gave the following report.
- The ball field is still being used by different teams.
- The fall sign-up for a practice times is on a first come basis.
Fireworks Display Committee-The following report was given.
- The event was held on June 25 and very successful. There is a problem with parking on area streets. This problem will be addressed for next year’s display.
- The exact location of the display is still under discussion. The housing development in Heartwood Preserve will be a factor.
- The fireworks clean-up was held on Sunday, June 26, 10:00 a.m. in the North park. A tremendous thank you to all the individuals that helped with the clean-up. Drew Thompson and Craig Dulany were thanked for their time on the event.
The Children’s Patriotic Parade
- This event was held on June 25 at 11:00 a.m. with approximately 50 children parading around the center park.
- A thank you to Audry Childers for organizing the event. Traci Selby and Donna Thompson worked registration.
Old Business:
There was none presented.
New Business:
- Additional planning will take place to solve the parking problems on area streets for next year’s fireworks display. Safety is the primary concern.
- It was brought to the attention of the Board that individuals are NOT stopping at stop signs. Speeding continues to be a problem in the neighborhood. The speed limit is 25 mph in residential areas.
- Residents are encouraged to sign up and volunteer for the End of Summer Bash/Picnic on August 13. A Sign Up Genius is located on the HOHA website.
As there was no other business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 8:26 p.m. The next regular meeting is Thursday, August 11, 2022, 7:30 p.m. at Sean O’Casey’s Pub, 2523 South 140 Avenue, in the back party room.
2022 Meeting Schedule-Second Thursday of each month-7:30 p.m.
September 8, October 13, November 10. There is no December meeting.
Respectively submitted,
Carol Feelhaver, HOHA Secretary