Harvey Oaks Homeowners Association (HOHA) General Membership Meeting

Thursday, June 8, 2023-7:30 p.m. 

Sean O’Casey’s Pub-2523 South 140 Avenue-Omaha, NE 

The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Corey Podwinski, President.

Officers, Committee members, and Area Representatives present at the meeting were: Trent Bradshaw-Treasurer, John Brehmer-Guidelines/Area 17, Carol Feelhaver-Secretary/Social/Nominating/Welcome, Luke Hawkins-Vice President, and Kevin Hughes-Advertising/Ball Fields, and Traci Selby-Area 25/Membership/Social.

Committee Reports:

Membership Report-Traci Selby gave the following report.  

  • The current membership total is 88 family units down from last year at this time.
  • A campaign will be started to increase membership before the End of Summer Bash/Picnic (EOSB).

Nominating ReportThe following report was given.  

  • A volunteer to chair the Winter Festivities on December 3 is needed. 
  • A volunteer to be Citizen’s Patrol chairperson is needed.  Luke Hawkins is working on this project.
  • Patrollers are also needed.  

Parks ReportTom Helm and Jim Grabenbaur weren’t present to give a report.

Newsletter Report-Warren Curry wasn’t present to give a report.

  • The deadline for the August/September newsletter is July15.

Webpage/Social Media ReportAshley Doherty-Legge wasn’t present to give a report.

  • Early registration for the EOSB will be a feature on the webpage again this year.

Advertising Report-Denny Schaeppi wasn’t present to give a report.  

  • Denny is currently working on newsletter ad renewals. 

Guidelines Issues-John Brehmer stated there was no report.  

Citizens Patrol Reportthe following report was given.

  • A chairman for the Citizens Patrol is needed.  Anyone interested can contact Luke Hawkins. (lucashawkins@gmail.com)

Social Committee Report-The following report(s) were given.

  • The Annual Fireworks Display will be Saturday, June 24 at dusk in the North Park.  Food trucks will be at the park from 6:00-8:00 p.m.  
  • Because parking is a problem, residents and guests are asked to park on the west side of 151 and 152 streets.  An emergency vehicle needs to have access to the north park.  
  • The Children’s Patriotic Parade will be June 24, at 11:00 a.m.  Everyone will meet between 151-152 on Arbor Street.
  • The Fireworks Clean-Up is Sunday, June 25, 10:00 a.m. in the North Park.
  • The Harvey Oaks Golf Classic was held on Sunday, May 20.  The profit from this event will be used to continue the renovations on the 144 and Harvey Oaks entrance island.  Trent Bradshaw, Corey Podwinski, and Denny Schaeppi were thanked for their time organizing this event.  
  • The event was very successful making $4,800.00

End of Summer Bash/Picnic 

  • Dawn Crimshaw will be the corporate sponsor of the EOSB.
  • The event will be Saturday, August 12, 5:00-8:00 p.m. in the North Park.
  • All current HOHA family members will be given a $5.00 coupon to purchase food from the food trucks at the event.
  • The City of Omaha (City) has advised HOHA that no inflatables/bounce houses can be set up in City Parks.  This is a new restriction.
  • Food trucks can’t be parked on City park property.  
  • Shirley Street from 151 to 152 will be closed for the safety of those attending the event.  Food trucks will be parked at this location.
  • The planning committee is implementing different games/activities for children to accommodate the City’s restrictions.  
  • Tiny Town will be back for children 10 years of age or under.
  • There will be activities for children 11 years of age or older.
  • Twelve tickets will be given to all children for games/activities participation at resignation.  
  • Silent Auction items are currently being accepted.  (dschaeppi3@gmail.com)
  • Vendors are in the process of being recruited.
  • In order for this event to be successful, and accommodate the City’s restrictions, more volunteers are necessary to monitor the children’s activities.  It is estimated 15 volunteers will be needed per hour to monitor the children’s activities.  If there aren’t enough volunteers many of the activities will have to close early for lack of supervision.  
  • Volunteers can sign up by contacting Laura Mann at laura.mann0101@gmail.com.  
  • Postings for student volunteers have been placed at six Omaha area high schools.  
  • Any high school, CCD, or confirmation students needing community service hours can contact Laura Mann at the address above.
  • There will be complimentary drinks at the event.  Anyone wanting an alcoholic beverage must provide proof of age.  This is an insurance requirement.  No alcoholic beverages can be brought into the park by residents.  
  • There will be a Silent Auction from 5:00-7:30 p.m. 
  • All current 2023 HOHA members are admitted at no cost.  Residents that aren’t current HOHA members will be charged $14.00 per person to attend.  Guests of current HOHA members will be charged $7.00 per person to attend.  Grandchildren of current HOHA members will be able to attend at no charge.  
  • The EOSB kicks off the 2024 HOHA Membership Drive.  HOHA dues are $50.00 per year.  

Ball field Committee-Kevin Hughes gave the following report.  

  • The field looks good and has been drug recently.
  • The parking around the ball diamond continues to be a problem.

Treasurer’s Report-Trent Bradshaw gave the following report.  

  • Trent presented the financial statements through May 31, 2023.
  • Anyone interested in a copy of this report should contact Trent at trent_m_bradshaw@yahoo.com.

Old Business:

  • There was one home that changed hands in Harvey Oaks during May.  
  • The City’s Planning Board met on Wednesday, June 7, and the construction of the Kingsley Apartments was on the agenda.  After some discussion, the modified plans were approved to start construction on these apartments.  The apartments will be located at 144 and Dupont Circle.  
  • The construction company will need to follow the 60 feet buffer zone between the complex and resident’s homes.  
  • It is unsure when the construction of this unit will start.  

New Business:

  • There was none discussed.  


Children’s Patriotic Parade will be held on June 24, 11:00 a.m., Meet at 151-152 and Arbor Street.  

Fireworks Display will be Saturday, June 24, at dusk in the North Park.

Fireworks Clean-Up Day is Sunday, June 25, `10:00 a.m. in the North Park.

As there was no other business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m.  The next regular meeting is Thursday, July 13, 2023, 7:30 p.m. at Sean O’Casey’s Pub, 2523 South 140 Avenue, in the back party room. 

2023 HOHA Meeting Schedule-Second Thursday of each month-7:30 p.m.

August 10, September 14, October 12, November 9.  There is no December meeting.

Respectively submitted,

Carol Feelhaver, Secretary