Harvey Oaks Homeowners Association-(HOHA)
General Membership Meeting
Thursday, February 13, 2025
Sean O’Casey’s Pub-2523 So. 140 Avenue-Omaha, NE, 68144
The meeting was called to order by Vice President Dave Price at 7:31 pm.
Officers, Area Representatives, and Committee members present include: Dave Price – Vice President, John Brehmer-Guidelines, Neighborhood Clean-up, Area 17, Nicole Hebert-Secretary, Area 7, ESOB, Jim Grabenbauer – Parks, Ashley Doherty – Website, Denny Schaeppi – ESOB, Golf, Jim Fitzsimmons – Golf, Traci Selby – Membership, Kevin Hughes – Ballfield, Jim Small-Advertising
Vice President’s Report
First order of business: Fireworks – need to start raising money now. $2750 in the firework fund – need $7500-$10,000 by May 1st – Show will be smaller shells and June 21st.
Spring Clean-up – March 3rd is registration deadline being done by Luke. Luke will also talk to Crescent Oaks. Kevin Hughes and John Brehmer are will to coordinate.
Upcoming Neighborhood Events:
Harvey Oaks Spring Garage Sale –April 24-26th – If you would like to participate and have your name and address placed on the master list of sales, e-mail it to Lacey Ruffino at laceya1016@gmail.com.
Harvey Oaks Spring Candy Hunt – April TBD – date has changed due to Stacey out of town.
Harvey Oaks Spring Cleanup – TBD – registering with city then date will be known.
Harvey Oaks Annual Golf Tournament – Sunday, May 18th at Pacific Springs Golf Course, 16810 Harney Street in Omaha, NE – Proceeds from this event will be used to renovate the entrance islands in Harvey
Committee Reports:
Nominating-the following report was given.
- HOHA needs volunteers for the following positions.
Treasurer – this position needs filled as soon as possible. Anyone with finance knowledge and is bonded in the neighborhood please inquire.
Citizens Patrol Chairperson
Area 10 Rep
Advertising – Jim Small – been talking to folks.
Golf Tournament – Denny Schaeppi and Jim Fitzsimmons – date May 18th – Harvey Oaks Golf Classic – 8:00 am
- 14 holes have committed sponsors
- Shotgun start – $90 early bird, $100 per person after – all done by QR code – want 144 golfers – 2-somes and 4-somes
- Denny is working on corporate sponsorships – Dawn Grimshaw Corporate Sponsor and Observatory Beverage Cart
- Sponsors have already committed $1850 and the contract for the event is ready to deliver
- Dixon golf may be off the table as Pacific Springs in wanting to run games.
- Pulled pork lunch and a ½ barrel of beer.
- Need volunteers for check-in and raffles for prizes – anyone interested in volunteering or making a donation for raffles please email: dschaeppi3@gmail.com or Jrfitzys12@gmail.com
Membership: Traci Selby
- 169 homes have paid dues for 2025 – at 24% membership
- Still talks about getting Area Reps together
Social Media – Warren Curry – no update as ill
Newsletter- Nicole Hebert on behalf of Warren
- Working on newsletter for April/May – information being put together and submitted for formatting. March 15th – lots of events coming up!
Neighborhood Cleanup – John Brehmer
- Spring clean up date is still needed. Luke will reach out to Crescent Oaks and the city of Omaha.
- Talk about having the Furniture Project possibly come to take old furniture.
- For the spring clean-up the Bicycle guy is coming back.
Parks– Tom Helm and Jim Grabenbauer
- Ballfield issues – still figuring out some things. City is going to come till and Jim Fitzsimmons offered to help with dragging.
- When a nice weekend rolls around, there will be a text blast about taking down the island Christmas lights.
ESOB – Nicole Hebert
- Planning starts in March – First meeting will be in March. Date is still in the works to accommodate everyone’s schedules.
Webpage-Ashley Doherty – needing to do updates.
Ball Field- Kevin Hughes
- Sign-up is live as of Friday, February 21st – Sign-up and we will send a separate PayPal invoice for $140 per slot once they sign up, it needs to be paid within 2 weeks to guarantee the spot. The signup link: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/5080E49AFA62BA20-55166087-hoha
Treasurer’s Report-Trent Bradshaw not present – fireworks information given by Dave at the start of the meeting.
Old Business- None
New Business-
- Idea – to ask for updated information from neighbors so we can better tailor what the HOHA does to the needs of the neighborhood
- Monthly Volunteer sign-up Genius idea – might help get more involved – Dave Price will do this and Ashley will help.
As there was no other business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 8:24 pm.
Respectively Submitted,
Nicole Hebert – Secretary
The next formal meeting will be Thursday March 13, 2025, at 7:30 pm, at Sean O’Casey’s Pub in the back party room.
Additional meeting dates: Thursday, April 10, 2025, Thursday, May 8, 2025