Harvey Oaks Homeowners Association (HOHA) General Membership Meeting
Thursday, April 9, 2020 7:30 p.m.
Conference Call-Omaha, NE
The meeting was called to order by Derek Menke, president.
Officers, Committee members, and Area Representatives present at the meeting were: Trent Bradshaw-Treasurer/Clean Up Day, John Brehmer-Area 17/Guideline/Nominating, Carol Feelhaver-Secretary/Social/Nominating, Tim Glover-Nominating, Jim Grabenbauer-Parks, Tom Helm-Parks, Kevin Hughes-Advertising/Ball diamond, Randy Mohr-Membership, Rudy Padilla-Citizen Patrol, Corey & Ashley Podwinski-Vice President, Web page content, Denny Schaeppi-Advertising/Social, and Thom Sisson-Webmaster.
Committee Reports:
Treasurer’s Report-Trent Bradshaw gave the following report.
- Trent reviewed the balance sheet and income statement through March 31, 2020.
- Anyone interested in a copy of these documents should contact Trent at trent_m_bradshaw@yahoo.com.
Membership Report–Randy Mohr gave the following report.
- There are 388 current Harvey Oaks households that have paid 2020 dues. This is out of 779 total homes.
- There were 411 memberships in 2019 at this time.
Nominating Report-The following report was given.
- A volunteer is needed to fill the position of Citizen Patrol Chairperson. The current chairman has asked to be released from this position.
Parks Report–Jim Grabenbauer gave the following report.
- The Holiday lights project has done an excellent job raising money for this project.
- Dead trees will be removed from the parks as soon as the City of Omaha (City) can get to the project. They are behind because of the weather and the COVID-19 virus.
- Tom Helm will price dog waste containers for possible inclusion in the parks.
- Jim has looked into an officer’s liability insurance rider for the current HOHA insurance policy. Dave Chastain, Chastain Insurance Agency, will be contacting Derek or Corey with a price on the rider.
- The suggestion of turning one of the tennis courts into a pickle ball court was discussed. It was noted the neighbors who back up to the courts wanted to keep the courts as tennis courts. It was also noted the courts are usually pretty busy, and people are using them. This issue will be discussed again, but nothing can be done this calendar year.
- The lights on the tennis court will be looked into so they aren’t on constantly.
Newsletter Report-Traci Selby wasn’t present to give a report.
- The newsletter deadline for the June/July issue is May 15.
Webpage Report-Thom Sission and Ashley Podwinski gave the following report.
- Ashley is updating the webpage and social media outlets with changes to HOHA activities due to the COVID-19 virus.
- The webpage hosting company has been renewed for one more year.
Advertising Report-Denny Schaeppi gave the following report.
- Because of the COVID-19 situation, Denny hasn’t been contacting area businesses about advertising in the newsletter or donating to the picnic.
Guidelines Issues-John Brehmer gave the following report.
- The grey house at 15223 Shirley Street will be renovated in the near future and sold to a new family.
Citizens Patrol Report–Rudy Padilla gave the following report.
- The patrol has been suspended until the COVID-19 virus is resolved and patrollers feel safe.
- Neighbors were reminded to make sure their cars are locked when parked outside a garage.
- The speed limit on area streets was mentioned again. An article on driving 25 miles per hour in the neighborhood will appear in the newsletter.
Social Committee Report-The following report was given.
- The Annual HOHA Family Picnic will be held on Saturday, August 15, 5:30-8:30 p.m. (new time) in the North park.
- Volunteers are badly needed to be part of the Picnic Planning committee. The planning committee meeting dates are listed below. All meetings will be held at Sean O’Casey’s Pub or conference call depending on the current situation.
- Tuesday, April 21-7:30 p.m.
- Tuesday, May 19-7:30 p.m.
- Tuesday, June 9-7:30 p.m.
- Tuesday, July 7-7:30 p.m.
- Tuesday, July 21-7:30 p.m.
- Tuesday, August 11-7:30 p.m.
- The theme of the picnic will be “Growing Up…Harvey Oaks”. Old pictures of the development will be needed for a display. If you have any pictures contact Carol Feelhaver.
- The annual Family Garage Sale has been moved to May 14, 15, & 16. This date might be changed depending of the COVID-19 virus situation.
- The annual Spring Candy Hunt will be rescheduled to a later date. Watch the newsletter for more information.
- The Movies in the Park night will be Friday, June 5, at dusk in the North Park. Rain date is June 12. This event might be rescheduled due to the COVID-19 virus situation.
- The Children’s Patriotic Parade will be Saturday, June 27, 11:00 a.m. in the South Park. This event might be rescheduled due to the COVID-19 situation.
- The annual HOHA Fireworks display will be Saturday, June 27, at dusk in the North park. Since all City Parks are closed, this event may be rescheduled to a later date. Drew Thompson will be contacted for an alternative plan.
- Fireworks clean-up day will be Sunday, June 28, 10:00 a.m. in the North Park. This date may be rescheduled due to the COVID-19 situation.
Ball Field Report-Kevin Hughes gave the following report.
- Work has been started on the renovations of the North Park’s ball diamond.
- All City parks are closed so this will affect the spring baseball practice schedule.
Old Business:
- There were three homes that changed hands during March in Harvey Oaks.
- The HOHA directory was discussed. Becky Tines has been unable to contact Joe Sernett about laying out the copy for the directory. Knock Out Print and Design, the company that prints the newsletter, will be contacted to see if they can layout the copy for the directory.
- Area Representatives have been contacting residents in their areas that haven’t joined HOHA for 2020. HOHA is down 23 resident memberships from 2019.
New Business:
- All HOHA activities have been put on hold or rescheduled because of the COVID-19 situation. This is all new territory and HOHA is asking residents to be patient and understanding. The HOHA Board is trying to make everything work.
- The City has closed all Omaha area parks until further notice.
- The Annual Neighborhood Clean-Up Day was scheduled for May 2. The City has moved all clean-up days to the fall. Watch the newsletter for more information.
- The next Picnic Planning committee meeting is April 21, site or method to be determined.
- Residents were thanked for all their efforts complying with the guidelines set during the COVID-19 virus.
- If anyone knows some resident in need of services have them contact a HOHA officer or Area Representative.
As there was no other business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 8:35 p.m. The next meeting is Thursday, May 14, 2020, 7:30 p.m. method or place to be determined.
Respectively submitted,
Carol Feelhaver-HOHA Secretary
2020 Meeting Schedule
June 11, July 9, August 13, September 10, October 8, November 12, there is no December meeting. The meetings are the second Thursday of the month at 7:30 p.m. at Converge Church.