Harvey Oaks Homeowners Association (HOHA) General Membership Meeting

Thursday, July 11, 2019 7:30 p.m.

Converge Church-14515 Harvey Oaks Avenue-Omaha, NE

The meeting was called to order by Derek Menke, President.

Officers, Committee members, and Area Representatives present at the meeting were: Trent Bradshaw-Treasurer/Clean-Up Day Chairman, John Brehmer-Guidelines, Tom Davies-Area 8/Social, Carol Feelhaver-Secretary/Social, Tim Glover-Nominating, Jim Grabenbauer-Parks, Kevin Hughes-Advertising/Ball field, Randy Mohr-Membership, Jim Mooney-Nominating, Corey & Ashley Podwinski-Vice-President/Webpage Content, Denny Schaeppi-Advertising/Social, Thom Sisson-Webmaster, and Ken Stevens-Parks.

(It was noted the following individuals have agreed to fill vacancies and will be officially appointed at the August meeting).

  • Trent Bradshaw-Treasurer/Clean-Up Day Chairman,
  • Tom and Angela Davies-Area Representative for Area 8,
  • Tom Helm and Jim Grabenbauer-Parks committee,
  • Corey Podwinski-Vice-President.

Committee Reports:

Treasurer’s Report-Trent Bradshaw.

  • This office is in transition and no formal report was given.

Membership ReportRandy Mohr gave the following report.

  • There are 431 current HOHA household members.   This is out of 779 houses.   Last year, there were 445 household members.

Nominating Report-Jim Mooney gave the following report.

  • Area Representatives are needed in Areas 17, 18 and 25.
  • Corey Podwinski has volunteered to be Vice-President.
  • Trent Bradshaw has volunteered to be Clean-up Day chairperson.
  • Tom and Angela Davies have volunteered to be Area Representatives in Area 8.
  • Tom Helm and Jim Grabenbauer have volunteered to serve on the Parks committee.
  • A volunteer for Webmaster is needed.
  • A volunteer for Garage Sale chairperson is needed, also.

Parks ReportKen Stevens gave the following report.

  • Mike Whetstine continues to maintain the entrance island at 144 Street.
  • Jim Champion continues to maintain the entrance island at 148 Street.  Jim would like to find a replacement candidate to maintain this island.
  • Ken continues to maintain the entrance island at 151 Street.
  • The dead tree in the North park has been removed.
  •  The electric outlet by the tennis courts has been repaired.
  • The surface of the tennis courts will be professionally repaired.
  • The tennis court lights need to be adjusted for better coverage of the courts.

Newsletter Report-Christina Muska wasn’t present to give a report.

  • The newsletter deadline for the August/September newsletter is July 15.

Webpage Report-Thom Sisson gave the following report.

  • There was a problem with one segment of the webpage, and the page was down for about a day.   This problem has been solved.
  • The HOHA Family Picnic express check-in page will go live on Monday, August 12.  Families can use this feature and eliminate long lines at the check-in tables.

Advertising Report-Kevin Hughes and Denny Schaeppi gave the following report.

  • The newsletter revenue is approximately $1,000.00 over the budgeted amount.
  • Advertisers wanting to continue are being invoiced.

Guidelines Issues-John Brehmer gave the following report.

  • The home at 15223 Shirley will have the lawn mowed while the future of the homeowner is determined.  John Brehmer has volunteered to mow the lawn.

Citizens Patrol ReportRudy Padilla wasn’t present to give a report.

Social Committee Report-The following report was given.

  • “Movies in the Park” will be on Friday, July 19 at dusk.  “Ralph Breaks the Internet” is the film that will be shown.
  • The annual HOHA Family Picnic will be August 17, 5:00-8:00 p.m. Volunteers are needed for this event.  If there aren’t enough volunteers, several features at the picnic will be shut down.  Anyone interested in volunteering can contact Carol Feelhaver, feelhaver@centurylink.net.
  • Youth Emergency Services is the charity that will receive a portion of the Silent Auction profits.
  • A postcard will go out to all residents inviting them to the picnic and kicking off the 2020 membership drive. HOHA membership goes January 1-December 31.

Ball Field Report-Kevin Hughes gave the following report.

  • The practice field diamond is in need of major grading changes/repairs.  A fundraiser to help keep the field in good condition is under consideration.  A table will be set up at the picnic, so families can become aware of the field’s condition.
  • The cost of renovating the field runs about $6,000.00.

Old Business:

  • There were two homes sold in Harvey Oaks during June.

New Business:

  • The American flags put out by the members of Converge Church were well received in the neighborhood.  A discussion followed if HOHA should continue this project in the upcoming years.  Converge church will be contacted to find out if they plan on continuing this project or if HOHA should take it over.
  • The following volunteers were thanked for agreed to serve in the following positions. Trent Bradshaw-Treasurer/Clean-Up Day Chairman, Tom and Angela Davies-Area Representative for Area 8, Tom Helm and Jim Grabenbauer-Parks committee, and Corey Podwinski-Vice-President.
  • Ken and Rhonda Stevens will be moving from Harvey Oaks in September.  Ken has found two volunteers to co-chair the Parks committee.


  • Jim Champion, Mike Whetstine, and Ken Stevens were thanked for their continued maintenance of the entrance islands
  • Drew Thompson was thanked for the speculator fireworks display on June 29.
  • Craig Dulany was thanked for serving as the Fireworks Liaison.
  • Audry Childers was thanked for organizing the Children’s Patriotic Parade.
  • Ashley Podwinski, Thom Sisson, and Donna Thompson were thanked for working at the Children’s Patriotic Parade.
  • The 20 plus individuals that helped clean-up after the fireworks display were thanked.
  • Converge Church was thanked for the flags on the July 4 Holiday.
  • Scout Troop #435 was thanked for all their help at recent HOHA sponsored events.
  • Ken Stevens was thanked for his many years as Parks chairman and his service to HOHA.

As there was no other business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 8:45 p.m.  The next meeting is Thursday, August 8, 2019, 7:30 p.m. at Converge Church (formerly Harvey Oaks Baptist Church).

Respectively submitted,

Carol Feelhaver,

HOHA Secretary

2019 Meeting Schedule–The second Thursday of the month at 7:30 p.m.

September 12, October 10, November 14.  There is no December meeting.