Harvey Oaks Homeowners Association (HOHA) General Membership Meeting

Thursday, June 13, 2019 7:30 p.m.

Converge Church-14515 Harvey Oaks Avenue-Omaha, NE

The meeting was called to order by Parks Chairman, Ken Stevens.

Officers, Committee members, and Area Representatives present at the meeting were: Tom Davies-Social, Craig Dulany-Fireworks, Paula Eastman-Treasurer, Carol Feelhaver-Secretary/Social, Tim Glover-Nominating, Kevin Hughes-Advertising/Ball field, Jim Mooney-Nominating, Corey Podwinski-Area 8, Shane Sullivan-Social, and Donna Thompson Area 27.  Also present was Pastor Mike Friesen from Converge Church.

Committee Reports:

Treasurer’s Report-Paula Eastman submitted a financial report including the current balance sheet and income statement through May 30, 2019.  Anyone wanting copies of these documents should contact Paula at peastman6923@yahoo.com.

Membership ReportRandy Mohr wasn’t present to give a report.

  • There are 427 current HOHA household members.   This is out of 779 houses.   Last year, there were 446 household members.

Nominating Report-Jim Mooney gave the following report.

  • Area Representatives are needed in Areas 18 and 25.
  • A candidate for Vice-President is needed.
  • A chairman for the Annual Clean-up Day is needed.
  • A candidate for webmaster is needed also.

Parks ReportKen Stevens gave the following report.

  • Mike Whetstine continues to maintain the entrance island at 144 Street.
  • Jim Champion continues to maintain the entrance island at 148 Street.
  • Ken continues to maintain the entrance island at 151 Street.
  • Knut Haasch, Tom Helm, Bruce Kruger, Julie Mackin, and Ken Stevens trimmed trees in the South park.
  • There is a dead tree in the North park that will need to be removed before the fireworks display.
  • The surface of the tennis courts will be professionally repaired.

Newsletter Report-Christina Muska wasn’t present to give a report.

  • The newsletter deadline for the August/September newsletter is July 15.

Webpage Report-Thom Sisson wasn’t present to give a report.

Advertising Report-Kevin Hughes gave the following report.

  • Advertising revenue continues to come in for the newsletter.
  • The newsletter revenue is approximately $1,000.00 over the budgeted amount.

Guidelines Issues-John Brehmer gave the following report.

  • The homes in Harvey Oaks are mostly well maintained and this is always a benefit for the neighborhood.

Citizens Patrol ReportRudy Padilla wasn’t present to give a report.

  • A light pole was hit on Cedar Circle and 911 was called.  The individual has been identified thanks to the patrollers.
  • All patrollers were reminded to pass the “equipment bag” on to the next person that will patrol.

Social Committee Report-The following report was given.

  • “Movies in the Park” on Friday, June 7 was well attended.  Approximately 100 individuals were present.
  • The second “Movies in the Park” will be Friday, July 19 at dusk in the North park. “Ralph Breaks the Internet” is the film that will be shown.
  • The annual Fireworks Display will be Saturday, June 29, at dusk in the North park.
  • Fireworks clean-up is on Sunday, June 30, 10:00 a.m. in the North park.
  • The Children’s Patriotic Parade will be Saturday, June 29, 11:00 a.m. Meet at 152 and Arbor Street.
  • The annual HOHA Family Picnic will be August 17, 5:00-8:00 p.m.

Ball Field Report-Kevin Hughes gave the following report.

  • The practice field diamond is in need of major grading changes/repairs.  Kevin is researching options for this project.
  • The field has been recently dragged.

Old Business:

  • There were three homes sold in Harvey Oaks during May.

New Business:

  • Pastor Friesen asked HOHA if a member of the church could come to HOHA meetings.  This is the church’s effort to help maintain neighborhood solidarity.  The representative wouldn’t be a voting member or have the privileges of a HOHA member.  They would just be at the meetings to gather information.  The individuals present at this meeting thought this was a great idea.
  • Pastor Friesen also asked for a copy of the HOHA newsletter and access to the webpage.
  • Craig Dulany will need additional help at the fireworks display getting donations the night of the event.
  • Pastor Friesen announced Converge Church will put out flags throughout the neighborhood on the July 4 holiday.
  • Trent Bradshaw has volunteered to be the new HOHA treasurer.  He will replace Paula Eastman.
  • Sunday, June 30 is clean-up day after the fireworks.  More volunteers are needed for this event.
  • Volunteers are needed for the Annual HOHA Picnic on August 17.
  • The “Yard of the Month” program will be discontinued due to lack of volunteers to chair the program.


  • Paula Eastman was thanked for her 8 ½ years of service to HOHA. Paula is moving to the Hanson Lake area.
  • Jim Champion, Mike Whetstine, and Ken Stevens were thanked for their continued maintenance of the entrance islands
  • Knut Haasch, Tom Helm, Bruce Kruger, Julie Mackin, and Ken Stevens were thanked for trimming trees in the South park.
  • Kevin Hughes and Denny Schaeppi were thanked for all their work making the newsletter profitable for HOHA.

As there was no other business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 8:45 p.m.  The next meeting is Thursday, July 11, 2019, 7:30 p.m. at Converge Church (formerly Harvey Oaks Baptist Church).

Respectively submitted,

Carol Feelhaver,

HOHA Secretary

2019 Meeting Schedule–The second Thursday of the month at 7:30 p.m.

August 8, September 12, October 10, November 14.  There is no December meeting.