Harvey Oaks Homeowners Association (HOHA) General Membership Meeting
Thursday, August 12, 2021 7:30 p.m.
Converge Church-14515 Harvey Oaks Avenue-Omaha, NE
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Derek Menke, President.
Officers, Committee members, and Area Representatives present at the meeting were: Trent Bradshaw-Treasurer/Clean-Up Day, John Brehmer-Guidelines, Ashley Doherty-Webmaster, Carol Feelhaver-Secretary/Social/Nominating/Welcome, Sandi Fravel-Area 6, Tim Glover-Nominating, Jim Grabenbauer-Parks, Lucas Hawkins-Area 8, Randy Mohr-Membership, Corey and Ashley Podwinski-Vice President and Webpage content, Marie and Gates Salistean-Parks, Bobbi Jo Shui-Area 6, and Donna Thompson-Area 27.
Committee Reports:
Treasurer’s Report-Trent Bradshaw gave the following report.
- Trent reviewed the financial reports through July 31, 2021.
- Anyone interested in a copy of these documents should contact Trent at trent_m_bradshaw@yahoo.com.
- The 2021-22 budget was presented and reviewed. This document will be voted upon at the September 9 meeting.
- It was noted HOHA uses a fiscal year October 1 thru September 30.
Membership Report–Randy Mohr gave the following report.
- There are currently 432 HOHA household members for 2021. This is approximately 55% of the total homes in Harvey Oaks.
- There are 92 residents that have paid 2022 dues at this time.
Nominating Report-Tim Glover gave the following report.
- A list of officers was presented for 2021-2023.
President-Corey Podwinski
Vice President-Lucas Hawkins
Treasurer-Trent Bradshaw
Secretary-Carol Feelhaver
- It was moved and seconded to accept this slate of officers as presented. After some discussion, a vote was called. The slate of officers was approved as presented.
- Derek Menke was thanked for his years of service as president. Note: Derek Menke started as HOHA Vice President in 2015. On October 13, 2016, he became president. He has done a great job.
Parks Report–Jim Grabenbauer gave the following report.
- Trees in the entrance islands have been sprayed for bagworm.
- The mowing of the parks has been started up again. Previously, the crews were reassigned to City of Omaha (City) tree and storm clean up.
- Don and Sallie Frei were thanked for all their efforts cleaning up the area parks.
- Estimates are being taken to revitalize the entrance islands.
- There has been damage to the port-a-potty on the Center Street ball field.
- The North Park ball field continued to be maintained and has improved in appearance.
- Stacy Jolley was helpful in getting the ball field next to Harvey Oaks Elementary School in playable condition.
Newsletter Report-Christina Muska wasn’t present to give a report.
- The newsletter deadline for the October/November issue is September 15.
Webpage Report-Ashley Doherty gave the following report.
- The new website is working and residents have been using it.
- Ashley Doherty and Ashley Podwinski were thanked for their work getting the webpage up and operational.
Advertising Report–Denny Schaeppi wasn’t present to give a report.
- It was noted, newsletter advertising is up and the revenue is over the amount budgeted.
Guidelines Issues-John Brehmer stated there was no report.
Citizens Patrol Report–Jonie Ternes wasn’t present to give a report.
- There will be a volunteer recruitment table at the HOHA Family Picnic.
Social Committee Report-Carol Feelhaver gave the following report.
- The Harvey Oaks Family Picnic will be held on Saturday, August 14, 5:00-8:00 p.m. in the North Park.
- Volunteers are needed to work hour shifts at the event.
- It was noted the cost of the picnic is getting extremely high and changes will need to be considered for the 2022 event.
Ball field Committee-Kevin Hughes submitted a written report.
- The ball field has been getting more and more use.
- The dog waste stand near the South park needs refilling.
- Fall scheduling will start soon.
Fireworks Display Committee-Craig Delany wasn’t present to give a report.
Old Business:
- There were three homes that changed hands during July in Harvey Oaks.
- The 2021-22 budget will be sent to all members of the Board for review. Trent Bradshaw will answer all questions on the document. The budget will be voted upon at the September 9 meeting.
New Business:
- It was moved and seconded to increase the HOHA annual dues to $50.00 for the fiscal year 2021-22. As a perk to residents, if they pay their 2021-2022 dues on or before October 1, the dues will remain $40.00. After October 1, the dues will increase to $50.00 for the fiscal year.
- After a great deal of discussion the following points were made.
Prices on everything are going up. The current picnic is a good example.
HOHA is an active organization, and in order to continue this level of activity additional funds are necessary.
HOHA annual dues are lower than almost all communities in West and Southwest Omaha.
- A vote was called, and the motion was approved.
- Area Representatives will be asked to help canvas all non-joining residents when the membership drive begins.
- A Harvey Oaks Golf Tournament is under consideration and planning for 2022. A committee has been formed to determine the feasibility of this suggestion.
- Anyone that would like to report neighborhood problems should call the Mayor’s Hotline, 444-5555.
- Ashley Doherty and Ashley Podwinski were thanked for all their work setting up the new website.
- Don and Sallie Frei were thanked for their work cleaning up the parks.
- Derek Menke was thanked for his many years of service as HOHA president.
- The HOHA Annual Family Picnic will be Saturday, August 14, 5:00-8:00 p.m. in the North Park.
As there was no other business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m. The next regular meeting is Thursday, September 9, 2021, 7:30 p.m. at Converge Church, 14515 Harvey Oaks Avenue.
Respectively submitted,
Carol Feelhaver-HOHA Secretary
Meetings for 2021 are as follows on the second Thursday of each month at 7:30 p.m. October 14, and November 11. There is no December meeting.