Harvey Oaks Homeowners Association (HOHA) General Membership Meeting
Thursday, August 13, 2020 7:30 p.m.
Zoom Meeting-Omaha, NE
The meeting was called to order by Derek Menke, president.
Officers, Committee members, and Area Representatives present at the meeting were: Trent Bradshaw-Treasurer/Clean Up Day, John Brehmer-Area 17/Guideline/Nominating, Tom Davies-Area 8/Social, Carol Feelhaver-Secretary/Social/Nominating, Jim Grabenbauer-Parks, Kevin Hughes-Advertising/Ball diamond, Randy Mohr-Membership, Rudy Padilla-Citizen Patrol, Corey Podwinski-Vice President, and Denny Schaeppi-Advertising/Social. Also present at the meeting were Marie Salistean-Area 14 and Jason Harre-Area 1.
Committee Reports:
Treasurer’s Report-Trent Bradshaw gave the following report.
- Trent reviewed the balance sheet and income statement through July 31, 2020.
- Anyone interested in a copy of these documents should contact Trent at trent_m_bradshaw@yahoo.com.
Membership Report–Randy Mohr gave the following report.
- There are 395 current Harvey Oaks households that have paid 2020 dues. This is out of 779 total homes.
- The annual membership letter, to kick off the 2021 membership drive, will need to be rewritten. Even though there have been no social events, HOHA has been active in other areas.
- Jim Grabenbauer has agreed to put together a video titled “Growing Up Harvey Oaks” and post this on the website as a kick off to the 2021 membership drive. Pictures, past and present, of Harvey Oaks will need to be obtained from different residents in the area.
Nominating Report-The following report was given.
- A Google survey will be developed and sent out to all HOHA members by Corey Podwinski. This survey will list all the volunteer positions needed by HOHA for 2021. A list of the vacancies has been submitted by Carol Feelhaver. Job descriptions are available for most of the positions open.
Parks Report–Jim Grabenbauer gave the following report.
- Two Pet Waste Stations have been installed in the parks.
- The timer on the tennis courts has been re-programmed to turn off at 10:00 P.M.
- Dead trees and branches have been removed from the parks by the City of Omaha (City).
- A Parks Clean-up Day will be scheduled for Saturday, August 22, 10:00 a.m. Everyone is asked to bring rakes, clipper, saws, and other lawn tools.
- A call will be made to pick up the “Port-a-Potty” in the North Park.
Newsletter Report-Christina Muska wasn’t present to give a report.
- The newsletter deadline for the October/November issue is September 15.
Webpage Report-There was no report given.
Advertising Report-Denny Schaeppi gave the following report.
- New ads have been sold for the newsletter.
- Renewals from previous advertisers have been coming in on a regular basis.
Guidelines Issues-John Brehmer gave the following report.
- The no parking along the north side of Arbor Street seems to be working well. It is now safe for a fire truck to go down the street in case of an emergency.
- The house at 15223 Shirley Street has been sold to a developer and is being brought up to City Codes for occupancy.
Citizens Patrol Report–There was no report given.
Social Committee Report-The following report was given.
- Due to the Covid-19 Virus, the Annual Family Picnic has been cancelled.
- The Fireworks Display is on hold until further notice.
- Corey Podwinski suggested a Santa Parade be planned in lieu of the Annual Holiday Party on Sunday, December 6. Santa would tour the neighborhood passing out candy and wishing everyone “Happy Holidays.” The possibility of holding this event inside may not happen.
Ball Field Report-Kevin Hughes gave the following report.
- A liability waver for use of the ball diamonds will be developed and coaches will be asked to sign it. The waivers need to be kept for seven years.
- The outfield pole, by the ball diamond, has been damaged. The City has agreed to fix the pole.
Old Business:
- There was one home that changed hands during July in Harvey Oaks. One packet was delivered to a family renting a house.
- Copies of the 2020 HOHA directory have been mailed to all current HOHA members.
New Business:
- The 2021 insurance policy for HOHA was reviewed and discussed. A new addition this year will be Directors and Officers insurance.
- It was moved and seconded to renew the current policy at a cost of $2,024.00 this will include the addition of Director and Officers coverage. The motion was carried.
- Corey Podwinski will develop a questionnaire to all current HOHA members asking for their questions and concerns on the Heartwood Preserve Development. A conference call will then be arranged with Bart Emanuel, National Director of Development and Construction for Applied Underwriters, stating these concerns. A report will be made to the neighborhood.
- Jason Harre, 14412 Shirley Circle, updated the Board on his recent difficulties with the Heartwood Preserve and the removal of trees on his property. Jason agreed to help HOHA working with this organization.
- A timeline for the 2021 Annual HOHA Membership Drive will be developed.
- Anyone not receiving a copy of the 2020 HOHA directory should contact Carol Feelhaver for a copy.
- A tremendous thank you to Becky Tines and her committee for all the work on the 2020 directory.
As there was no other business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 8:15 p.m. The next regular meeting is Thursday, September 10, 2020, 7:30 p.m. method or place to be determined.
Respectively submitted,
Carol Feelhaver-HOHA Secretary
2020 Meeting Schedule
October 8, November 12, there is no December meeting. The meetings are the second Thursday of the month at 7:30 p.m. at Converge Church. (Or currently by Zoom conference call/meeting)
Insurance Update Post-Meeting:
- Liability limits for the D & O are the same as for the General Liability, $1,000,000.00 per occurrence and $1,000,000.00 aggregate.
- Unless events or activities (Candy Hunt, Patriotic Parade, Holiday Party, Parks Clean-up) are excluded they would be covered. Underwriters do not like insuring “bouncy houses,” fireworks displays, and events involving serving of alcoholic beverages. Separate policies are available for these activities for an additional premium.
- The Chastain Otis Insurance Agency does not have a sample form to cover the waiver of liability use of the ball diamond.