Frequently Asked Questions

How much are the HOHA 2018 Dues?

$40.00 per year.

What do I get with my Membership?

See the Benefits of Membership page to find out!

I want to advertise in the Newsletter, Website, and/or Directory, who do I contact?

Contact Denny Schaeppi @ 402-333-6190 or ads@harveyoaks.com

Who do I contact about using the Ball Fields?

Contact Kevin Hughes @ 402-709-6130 or ballfields@harveyoaks.com

Where can I donate to the Firework Show in the North Park?

There are two ways to donate:

  1. If you are a resident of Harvey Oaks, you can sign into your account on the website and pay it HERE with your dues, or just add it to the check you send in with your dues.
  2. If you are not a resident, you can go HERE and donate.

Where do I find out what code or zoning violations are or who to call about them? Examples


  • Deteriorated and cracked sidewalks and driveways.
  • Deteriorated porches, decks, and patios.
  • Stairways with three or more steps without handrails.
  • Deteriorated, broken, or missing siding.


  • Cars parked on unpaved surfaces.
  • Inoperable or unlicensed vehicles.
  • Boats, campers, and R.V.’s over 20 feet in length, parked in front of the house.
  • Commercial vehicles parked at property.
  • Outdoor storage of materials, appliances, etc.

A. This is the complete list and contact info for the city.

What day does the Trash, Recycling, and Yard Waste get picked up?

On most weeks it is Tuesday, except if there is a holiday on Monday, then it will be on Wednesday. Have your cans or bins out by 6am. You can go to Wasteline.org and sign up for their email updates. Yard Waste is picked up year round.