Harvey Oaks Homeowners Association (HOHA) General Membership Meeting
Thursday, January 13, 2022-Email Synopsis
Due to high number of Covid 19 virus cases, the January HOHA meeting was scheduled as an email meeting with different Committee Chairpersons/Area Representatives submitting report.
President’s Report:-Corey Podwinski submitted a written report.
Thanks for being accommodating and sending your reports this month. Our first priority is making sure you are all safe and healthy during this recent surge.
We had a very strong 2021 and the Holiday break was much needed. We have a lot planned for 2022 and we are excited to get moving on it. We still want to get the golf tournament rolling and will be setting up a meeting in the next few weeks to get moving. We will also be reaching out to Applied Underwriters to see when the houses will be starting construction near the tennis courts. This will determine what we can do for our fireworks show. If construction happens prior to our show we may have to move the event to the ball fields off of Center Street and 151st. We are also looking at updating our welcome packets for new residents and creating a brochure for HOHA that we can use to try and capture any new move-ins from the past 3 years.
Treasurer’s Report-Trent Bradshaw submitted a written report.
- A copy of the financial are attached to this email.
Membership Report–Report was submitted.
- There are 368 resident homes that have paid 2022 dues. At this time last year, there were 367 resident homes that paid dues. This is out of a total of 779 homes.
- Stacy Joley and Becky Tines announced, in the Fall after many years on the Membership committee, they are ready to step back and pass on their knowledge to the next lucky volunteers.
- Randy Mohn has decided to step down as data input volunteer also.
- The Membership Team is currently putting together an updated calendar of membership events and job descriptions. Once this is done we will see where we can make any changes.
- Right now the plan is to reorganize the Membership and Website committees to see where we have overlap and to see if we can make any efficiencies. The current Membership Team’s help in passing on their knowledge will be instrumental in making this work. I’d like to thank them upfront for this work.
Nominating Committee:-A report was submitted
- Currently, there are volunteers needed to chair the Annual Neighborhood Garage Sale and to work on the planning committee for the ‘End of Summer Bash’. Job descriptions are available by contacting Carol Feelhaver at Feelhaver@centurylink.net.
Parks Report- Jim Grabenbaur submitted the following report.
- The Holiday lights have been shut off. Ground power cords and timers have been picked up. The starbursts and tree wraps will come down on a nice weekend afternoon soon. This takes approximately three hours.
- Jim is looking for volunteers to help with this process.
- There is currently another hole in the tennis court net. Marie Salistean has volunteered to try and repair the net.
Newsletter Report-A report was submitted
- The newsletter deadline for the February/March newsletter is January 15.
- The deadline for the April/May newsletter is March 15.
Webpage Report-A report was submitted.
- The committee is working on updating the online calendar of events and onboarding new members.
Advertising Report-Denny Schaeppi submitted the following report.
- There is one new business card size ad for the newsletter expiring in one year.
- Denney is also working on newsletter renewals.
Guidelines Issues-There was no report submitted.
Citizens Patrol Report–There was no report submitted.
Social Committee Report-Carol Feelhaver submitted a written report.
- The Holiday Parade was Sunday, December 5. The event was well received by the neighborhood. A tremendous thank you to Becky Tines for chairing the event.
- The Volunteer Appreciation Event was well attended on December 8. Derek Menke was honored for his six years as HOHA’s President and Vice President.
Upcoming dates to put on your calendar.
- February 1-practice scheduling starts for the North Park’s baseball diamond. If you are interested contact Kevin Hughes-krhughes10@gmail.com
- April 23-Spring Candy Hunt-1:00 p.m. in the middle and south parks off of Arbor Street.
- April 28, 29, & 30-Annual Neighborhood Garage Sale-if HOHA can find an individual to chair the event.
- June 25-Chrildren’s Patriotic Parade-11:00 a.m., meet at the corner of 152 and Arbor.
- June 25-Annual Fireworks Display at dusk site to be determined
Ball field Committee-No report submitted.
- Registrations for spring baseball practice on the practice field will start February 1, 2022.
Fireworks Display Committee-No report submitted.
Old Business:
- There were 43 homes that changed hands in Harvey Oaks in 2021. This is approximately 6% of the homes in Harvey Oaks.
- There were 39 homes that changed hands in 2020. This is approximately 5%.
- A list of rental homes and the name of the owners is being developed. If anyone knows of a rental home in their area please contact Carol Feelhaver.
- A Neighbor Helping Neighbor program is in the process of being developed. If an elderly or disabled resident needs assistance with snow shoveling, lawn mowing, or leaf raking volunteers from the neighborhood will be able to assist.
- The idea of developing a HOHA 2022 Football Tailgate Party was suggested. The football game would be streamed on a large screen television in the North Park.
- A spring reminder membership drive is also under consideration.
New Business:
- There was no business presented.
- Anyone that would like to report neighborhood problems should call the Mayor’s Hotline, 444-5555.
- Fire hydrants in the neighborhood many times need freshening up. If you would like regulation paint to improve the looks of these hydrants, contact Tom Helm thelm1860@gmail.com.
- The following volunteers were thanked for their help with the Holiday Parade Ashley Doherty, Luke Hawkins, Andrew Legge, Corey, Ashley, & Ollie Podwinski, Bobbi Jo Shiu &friends, Rita & Sydney Smith, Ryan Stogdill, Mike Tesnar and the entire Boy Scout Troop #435, Chris & Becky Tines, Doug Wermeskerch, Alana, Clint, Hailey, & Ava Whitmarsh.
- Becky Tines chaired the event.
The next regular meeting is Thursday, February 10, place to be determined
2022 Meeting Schedule-Second Thursday of each month-7:30 p.m.
March 10, April 14, May 12, June 9, July 14, August 11, September 8, October 13, November 10. There is no December meeting.
Respectively submitted,
Carol Feelhaver-HOHA Secretary