Harvey Oaks Homeowners Association (HOHA) General Membership Meeting

Thursday, July 9, 2020 7:30 p.m.

Zoom Meeting-Omaha, NE

The meeting was called to order by Derek Menke, president.

Officers, Committee members, and Area Representatives present at the meeting were: Trent Bradshaw-Treasurer/Clean Up Day, John Brehmer-Area 17/Guideline/Nominating, Tom Davies-Area 8/Social, Carol Feelhaver-Secretary/Social/Nominating, Tim Glover-Nominating, Jim Grabenbauer-Parks,  Kevin Hughes-Advertising/Ball diamond, Randy Mohr-Membership, Corey Podwinski-Vice President, and Denny Schaeppi-Advertising/Social.  Also present at the meeting was Marie Salistean-Area 14.

Committee Reports:

Treasurer’s Report-Trent Bradshaw gave the following report.

  • Trent reviewed the balance sheet and income statement through June 30, 2020.
  • Anyone interested in a copy of these documents should contact Trent at trent_m_bradshaw@yahoo.com.

Membership ReportRandy Mohr gave the following report.

  • There are 392 current Harvey Oaks households that have paid 2020 dues.  This is out of 779 total homes.
  • There were 431 members at this time last year.

Nominating Report-The following report was given.

  • A volunteer is needed to fill the position of Citizen Patrol chairperson.  Rudy Padilla will stay in this position until a replacement is found.
  • Becky Tines has resigned as co-chairman of the Membership committee and a replacement will need to be found.

Parks ReportJim Grabenbauer gave the following report.

  • A Pet Waste Station has been ordered and will be installed in the Middle park.
  • HOHA will be accepting bids for maintenance and tree trimming on the entrance island at 148 and Center.
  • The new trees in the parks have been watered.
  • The question of liability was raised if someone gets hurt in the parks.  Jim will contact HOHA’s current insurance carrier to get more information on this topic.
  • It was reported the use of the tennis courts for Pickle Ball has not been excessive.
  • Marie Salistean has offered to purchase a Pet Waste Station to be placed in the North Park by the ball diamond.
  • Volunteers are needed to help maintain the entrance islands at 144 and Harvey Oaks Avenue and 148 and Center Street.

Newsletter Report-Christina Muska wasn’t present to give a report.

  • The newsletter deadline for the August/September issue is July 15.
  • The newsletter deadline for the October/November issue is September 15.

Webpage Report-There was no report given.

Advertising Report-Denny Schaeppi gave the following report.

  • Renewals from newsletter advertisers will be coming in.
  • Several new businesses are interested in advertising in the newsletter.

Guidelines Issues-John Brehmer gave the following report.

  • A petition for no parking on the north side of Arbor Street between 148 Street and Castelar Circle has been approved.  Signs have been posted to remind residents not to park on the north side of Arbor Street.
  • Reva and John Neal did a great deal of work to get this parking situation accomplished.
  • The no parking on Arbor Street is being done for safety reasons.  It would be difficult to get a fire truck down the street with the current parking conditions.

Citizens Patrol ReportThe following report was given.

  • The Citizens Patrol is still on hold until there is a leveling off of the COVID-19 virus.  Social distancing is a definite problem inside a car.

Social Committee Report-The following report was given.

Due to the COVID-19 virus situation, HOHA sponsored events have been cancelled and moved to alternative dates.  The HOHA Board apologizes for this current situation and is asking for patience and understanding.

  • The Annual HOHA Family Picnic-The picnic this year will not be in the same format as past years.  This is due to the COVID-19 virus guidelines and regulations. The Picnic Planning committee will be meeting to research options and keep current on what regulations/guidelines will open up to allow the picnic to go forward.
  • The annual Family Garage Sale-This event will be rescheduled to sometime in the fall.
  • The annual Spring Candy Hunt-This event will be rescheduled to sometime in the fall.
  • The Movies in the Park night-This event will be rescheduled to sometime in the fall.
  • The Children’s Patriotic Parade-This event will be rescheduled to sometime in the fall.
  • The annual HOHA Fireworks Display-Drew Thompson has been unable to obtain a permit from the City of Omaha (City) to use the parks for the display.  The City has cancelled all large gatherings in City owned parks during the month of July.  HOHA’s request to use the parks for the display has been forwarded to the Parks Director for review.  Drew has agreed to put on a display later in the year, if the City allows large crowds to gather in public parks.  It was noted many neighborhoods did have fireworks displays.  These neighborhoods are using private property and are not subject to the City’s regulations and restrictions.  HOHA is committed to hosting the display.  Unfortunately, the situation depends when the City will issue permits for large crowds to gather in City parks.

Ball Field Report-Kevin Hughes gave the following report.

  • The ball field is being used on a regular basis.
  • The field is being dragged weekly for maintenance purposes.
  • Purchasing temporary/movable bases for the ball diamond will be researched and options presented at the next meeting.

Old Business:

  • There were two homes that changed hands during June in Harvey Oaks.

New Business:

  • A homeowner stated a concern regarding the cutting down of trees that border Harvey Oaks and the Heartwood Preserve.  More information will need to be obtained on this issue.
  • The 2020 Membership Drive will be kicked off soon.  Residents are reminded that dues of $40.00 per year will be due by January 1, 2021.
  • Jim Grabenbauer agreed to contact HOHA’s current insurance carrier concerning Director and Officer insurance coverage.


  • Reva and John Neal were thanked for their efforts getting parking restrictions on Arbor Street.
  • Marie Salistean was thanked for purchasing a Pet Waste Station for the park.
  • A HOHA General Membership ‘Special Meeting’ may be called in two weeks to review the research and recommendations of the Picnic Planning committee. Watch for information on this meeting

As there was no other business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 8:50 p.m.  The next regular meeting is Thursday, August 13, 2020, 7:30 p.m. method or place to be determined.

Respectively submitted,

Carol Feelhaver-HOHA Secretary

2020 Meeting Schedule

September 10, October 8, November 12, there is no December meeting.  The meetings are the second Thursday of the month at 7:30 p.m. at Converge Church.  (Or currently by Zoom conference call/meeting)

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